Apple does NOT want my money (Rant)


OK, I'm a little ticked off right now, Apple are driving me crazy. First my old iPod breaks and the norwegian Apple Support website refuses to work after I log in with my Apple ID. I figured they were idiots and thought bad things about them.

Now they are doing it again. After much to and from I decided to get a new 15GB iPod. So I start up Safari, go to the norwegian AppleStore, pick my iPod, pick the extras I want, log in with my Apple ID and get a white screen saying "Invalid response received from application."

I pressed the back button, and went for the "Help" tab, and what do I see?
"The requested application was not found on this server"
Now that message is all I get wherever I go on AppleStore.

Same thing happened with OmniWeb.

What the hell is all this about? Incompetent web-masters? Or is the problem isolated to the point of it just being MY money Apple doesn't accept? Is this a hint that I should go screw myself? If so, should all norwegians do the same?

Could someone clear up this mess? It really makes me angry...
I read your post about trying to get support for the iPod. I haven't heard about similar problems, maybe its something fairly local, could be something to do with a server in between you and Apple? Just a guess.

I'd be annoyed too, sounds really frustrating. The thing is, most support for large companies is all done with web forms and its getting more and more difficult to just email someone! I had a look on Apple's site out of interest, couldn't find an email address but here's the phone contacts page:

Good luck!
On the support thing I used 5 computers with 4 different OS's and 6 different browsers, in 3 different locations, so the problem being just between me and Apple seems a bit hard to believe.

Of course, I could order by phone, but it's so annoying to be forced into that way when the web-site, if working, would be the greatest choice of all...

Oh-kay...seems the problem was my Apple ID, I registered a new one and things went iPod in 2-3 "wochen" + 2-5 busines days of shipping + 2-3 months delay (last time it was ordered November, assembled January, arrived February)...I'll have a 15GB iPod before christmas...
Sounds like a server issue on their side.


Posted above before seeing you found your problem. Your ID must have been terminated or corrupted when they did their overhaul/combination of the .Mac and Apple ID system.