Apple going after indie labels for ITMS?



Just a month after opening its doors, the Apple iTunes store is looking to expand.

With content already available from all five major labels, the online music service is reaching out to independent labels in hopes of offering the broadest, deepest catalog of downloadable music.

Apple has invited hundreds of indie label representatives to a private presentation on Thursday at the computer giant's Cupertino, California, campus to discuss hopping onboard and adding their content to the more than 200,000 songs already available through the service.
i REALLY hope so, would be awesome! I don't like much of the music that is in the store right now, i'm looking for more "small" music (not the big commercial bands).
this would be a wise move for apple. they wouldn't become another (offering many bands, but with no standards for quality or professionalism), but would definitely increase their level of integrity by offering something special that truly helps the struggling artists. i hope this happens.
Fantastic news :-) I probably have not heard of a lot of the groups that would get signed up, but I've heard enough people talking about this to understand that it is a big move for Apple to make.
I love the iTMS, but if indie music is what you crave I might suggest e-music. They already have a huge selection of indie label stuff. You do have to sign up for a contract (3 months or 12 months), but I've already downloaded +20 albums which has made up the $120 I will pay for the service this year. $9.99 for 2,000 downloads a month. That's a lot of music. Going this route is the best of both worlds. Us people that like stuff other than the Big 5 get what we want and then when there is the rare Big 5 song we want we go to the iTMS and download it for $.99. I love technology.