Apple iPod deal.


Has anyone seen the new iPod deal apple is offering? "Awsome, I can get $100 dollars off the iPod when I buy it," I thought. Until I read further into the article here, It turns out I have to buy a new computer with it, and it just so happens that I JUST bought an iMac. Does anyone else find it EXTREMELY annoying that they're not only annoying the early iPod buyers but the early iMac buyers also? Any more of you caught in this cruel trap? I'm VERY annoyed at apple right now!

Look at my new sig. Multiple quotes! :p
It's the same kind of thing I've seen before. My roommate bought a CRT iMac in December, and got a free digital camera. After the new iMac came out, the CRT iMac dropped in price by $400 (IIRC). So she could have waited and gotten a better deal. That's always the case with computers.

Once upon a time, long long ago now, about 1995 to be exact, I decided to get a computer. I paid $1800 for a 486 at 120 MHz (which was pretty fast), 8MB RAM, a 800MB HD, and a 14" monitor.

A month ago, I upgraded to the iMac. About $1800 got me an 800 MHz G4, 1 GB RAM, an 80 GB HD, and 15" LCD monitor.

It's just a factor of how long you want to wait for that sweet deal...
I know this, the only reason i'm really mad is because they bring other products into the mix, ie; I expected my iMac to drop right after I bought it that's natural, but I don't like the fact that the iMac is tied in with the iPod deal right after I bought an iMac. I'm not sure if anyone get's what i'm getting at here..
Did you buy your iMac before or after the price hike?

I got mine just before, so now the price of the iMac/iPod combination is the same that it was when I bought my computer. So it doesn't seem like that big a deal to me.

I do understand, I just don't have good anecdotes to indicate that... ;)
I did buy my iMac before the price hike, I never really thought of it that way. You should be a phychologist, I feel much better. :p
I bought my first G4 450 three days before they added a second CPU for the same price... :(