Apple & Microsoft to cooperate on DRM?


I have issues, OK!
I'm not sure how to look at this one.

On the one hand Microsoft could be running scared or it could just be another case of 'embrace and extend'.

Article from MacRumors:

According to Reuters, Apple and Microsoft are reportedly in negotiations "aimed at meeting the music industry's goal of compatibility among competing digital music devices by 2005."

Current digital music downloads exist in two primary formats - AAC and WMA - neither of which is inter-compatible. According to the article, current negotiations presently revolve around the ability to convert from one DRM format to another, preserving the digital rights management. Unfortunately, this may be both time consuming and lossy (potential loss of audio quality).
I hope that Apple will not let M$ take over AAC and certainly NOT accept WMA over it! :mad: On the other hand if Apple will force M$ to accept AAC over WMA :rolleyes:
hulkaros said:
I hope that Apple will not let M$ take over AAC and certainly NOT accept WMA over it! :mad: On the other hand if Apple will force M$ to accept AAC over WMA :rolleyes:

I think that this is a preemptive move for Microsoft.

Real recently outlined their intentions to move over to AAC, but claimed that their DRM would be incompatible with Apples FairPlay.

Although not a trivial issue, Microsoft can ill afford Apple and Real getting together to bridge this problem.

So, by ostracizing Real, Microsoft have an opportunity to break the AAC format apart before it's even had time to settle...
I think there will be a format transfer system involved where all WMA formatted files can be transfered to ACC but not the other way around. It may be lossy as said on macrumors but im sure to the untrained ear and to some trained it will be very difficult to notice.
Quicksilver said:
I think there will be a format transfer system involved where all WMA formatted files can be transfered to ACC but not the other way around. It may be lossy as said on macrumors but im sure to the untrained ear and to some trained it will be very difficult to notice.

Well, if you read this article, you'll see that there's a plenty of resistance in the music industry towards Microsoft. The same can also be said of the film industry.

I think Microsoft know this and it's annoying them immensely. They're so used to breaking open new markets that the least amount of friction unsettles them.

In Europe, mobile phone manufactures are putting up barriers to block Microsoft gaining too strong a foothold in the mobile space.

And to further dent Microsoft's ambitions, the consumer electronics manufactures are intent on doing the same thing.

The underlying theme that Microsoft keep coming up against is that of a need for open standards and interoperability. This is not what Microsoft wants to hear .. oh no!..