Apple + Netscape = Safari?


Check out the following link in Safari:

It checks your browser to see what version and kind it is, as well as encryption support and such.

Safari identifies itself as Netscape Communicator 5.0. And Communicator was always a good browser. :)

-EDIT- More results...
MSIE 5.2.2: Internet Explorer 5
Chimera 0.6: Netscape Communicator 5
OmniWeb 4.1: Netscape Communicator 4.5
Alot of websites will reject connections from non-supported clients, or will send different content to different clients. Many browsers will send a different name to the website so that they don't get blocked because the folks who wrote the site didn't know about their browser. For a while when it first came out IE identified itself as netscape :)

Must be because it uses the netscape gecko engine, which is the same thing in netscape...
and they never released a netscape 5 for mac, did they???