Apple Server Error Message


I've just installed OSX on my Mac at work. Everything seems to working perfectly except for one small thing. Everytime I launch OS9 Classic it comes up with an error screen (see attached pic). Every so often this screen won't go away even if I click "OK" resulting in a Force Quit. But most of the time this error message will appear, then quickly dissappear leaving a white box on my desktop in it's place. This box doesn't go away!!! If I click on it I'm in OS9...and if click out of it I'm in OSX. The only time it goes away is if I close OS9. My Network Administrators at work are completely "Macintosh Illiterate" and leave it up to me to figure it out. What do I do to resolve this? What info can I get from my Network Admins to help me fix this?


  • error_message.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 23
Dear All,

Unfortunately, you didn't supply alot of information with this error. For example, what sort of network is this Mac on? I assume from the way that you wrote the email, you are about the only Mac on a Windows LAN?

It seems to me that the error is cause by the AppleTalk protocol not being switch on, on the Windows Servers. Ask you Network Admins to turn on "Services For Macintosh". Also, you can try and turning off the AppleTalk protocol via the Chooser.

In MacOS X, turning off the AppleTalk protocol is a simple Check Box and is off by default.

Also, purchase DAVE 3.1.1 for MacOS 9 will help you conect to a Windows LAN.

Hope I was some help.
Thanks for the reply!

I am actually one of three Macs (Design Team) in a sea of PC's on a single network.
All 3 of us have the same problem.

Unfortunately we need to have AppleTalk ON in order to access shared drives on the network that we share with PC users also.....however as a test I turned it off just to see if it would rectify the problem...but it didn't.

I will talk to my Network Admins some more with your suggestions and will let you know the outcome....Thanks again!