Apple Store Online Shipping Dates

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
in the Apple Store, when it says EST SHIP and then says 7-10 days, does that mean the product will be at my house in 7-10 days or will it leave Apple in 7-10 days.

and if you buy 3 items, one with 10 days, another with 7 days, and the last with 1-2 days, will they all arrive at the same time or scattered?
"Shipping date" for just about everything means the date it will be shipped out of the warehouse. You'll probably get the items at different dates depending on how close or far apart the shipping date is.

They should give you some sort of Airborne Express tracking number when it's actually "Shipped."
Standard shipping takes 2-5 days after they ship it out of the warehouse.

Scattered. They may try to ship things together to reduce the shipping costs, but generally they try to get your items to you as fast as they can.