Apple Technicly (Why An Imac Is Better On The Internet)


Apple iMac uses a low speed cddrive. The advantage in doing so is that your machine will be more reliable on the internet.
PCvendors are selling you 52x speed cddrives and machines with even two cddrives.
A machine that uses a cddrive that has a greater speed than 4x will achieve it's extra speed in memory.
Yes, but have you also considered the SD-RAM vs. Rambus issue? Maybe the iMac is also just the better computer on the internet because of its design.
all i know is that my imac seems to get page launch speeds as good or better than some people with mac-chines costing 2-3x as much. of course i am sure i couldn't render a large photoshop file in twice the time they do.
The speed of the cd drive is unrelated to internet performance (I'm assuming you mean browser rendering time).

When a cd spins faster it reduces the random access time because it allows the read head to get to the data faster (just like a hard drive). The speed of the cdrom is unrelated to the amount of data it caches in ram.

Beyond that, caching data in ram isn't going to impact performance unless it causes other data to be paged out. Let's get real, we're not talking about much data (a meg or two) so nothing is going to get paged out because of cdrom caching.

Let's raise our standards for research before we start "educating" the board.


PS I've read the paged you linked to twice now and I can't find this paticular "gem" anyway. Did you make it up on your own? Am I missing something?
I have heard this when they are teaching Winblows(I was just leaving the dactyloclass). Then I have tested this on different machines before telling you.
i haven't got a clue as to what vanguard is saying, but it sounds like he knows something.
Herve's lates revelation as to where he came by this info and his sampling seems to have something to it too, even if the reasoning behind it could be wrong.
i would like to have changomarcelo explain himself better because i know this is not true. i have two imacs running off the same router and the 600mhz is faster than the 400mhz. easily. not so much so i want to go out and get a new computer, but still it is faster. there are obviously differences between how certain computers handle the same software that makes a difference in their performance.
and i have participated in these browser wars where everybody posts times to load a page and i can keep up with all but a few most of the time. now i know there are other variables involved but the idea that all computers are the same for the internet just doesn't seem right.
(i know for sure i couldn't hook my old lc 475 up to this router and see it perform as well!!:p )
If you refer to the time a page needs to download from the Internet and be displayed in the browser screen, I haven't seen any important diference between the several systems i have tried.
I have a Mac (Mac OS 10.1.2, Mac OS 9.1 and Linux) and a PC (Windows XP) at home and a PC (Windows XP and Windows 2000) at work and I can not say that Internet applications behave faster in one system than the other. I think that this fact depends much more on the connection speed. The Internet applications are not big applications that eat a lot of RAM or so.
Well, I am not an expert about all that I wrote above, but that is my experience.
About the case of Ed Spruiell, where the 600 MHz iMac is faster than the 400 MHz one, I would say that it is not a problem of the processor speed. I think that it's because the browsers use a part of your RAM and HD as a cache and if the disk is very full, or very fragmented or you don't have much RAM, obviously, it would behave slower.
IE 5.1 is still faster in 9.2.1 than 10.1.2 on slow machines, though. Please, Apple, please! I can't afford a dual G4, ok?