"Apple: Up the Market Without a CPU" ?

cool article. I truly hope you don't draw any flames. the importance of Sony/IBM cell is highly overlooked by many.
Interesting read. The guy sounds like he knows his stuff. Nonetheless, I always have to chuckle a bit when some pundit comes along and offers his plan for how to save Apple.

Last I checked, Apple was doing surprisingly well. IIRC, they recently offered an ass-kicking chip and system even though they only have 3% of the market. From what I remember, they paid off, what, a few billion in debt and have been mostly profitable for a while now.

But enough sarcasm. I like the guy's take, but in the end it's just another guy that for some reason thinks Apple could be doing even better if they would just follow his advice.

His technical stuff sounds on, but his market analysis is not as convincing.