APPLE webmail???


Hello guys,

i was browsing through apple's site with my windows machine today at uni and i came to a page that had information for webmail and that it was still in beta version. I checked my email etc there but when i tried to go back after about 5 minutes i could not find the page anymore.

Anyone can help ? As this makes my life a lot easier.

The webmail looks really really good by the way!!!:D
Very nice feature. :) The interface is smooth. Looks like Nice. :D

Too bad I don't really use my iTools all that much. :(
I must say I'm MUCH happier with this than I was last week when I had some problems.

I'm used to it now and their servers seem to be back to normal.

I am SO glad Apple came out w/ this before I had to start paying Yahoo for POP. This works great for me - at home, webmail everywhere else - with the best interface I've used ever in a webbased system!
Hehe, I forgot myself yesterday, and tried to log into
The site is there...
Originally posted by ricky
Very nice feature. :) The interface is smooth. Looks like Nice. :D

Too bad I don't really use my iTools all that much. :(
The cool thing is that it will check a standard POP mail account... So even if you don't use the itools email account, you can still use this to manage your regular mail.

On the other hand, entourage does not have anything to fear. This tool is VERY slim on features. If they'd simply add some SPAM control, then I'd consider using it.