Apple X11


Ok I admit it, I am a complete OSX Tiger / Mac Newby. Now thats out the way. lol. I have a iMac intel duo running OSX Tiger and wanted to install Open Office. It installed fine but whenI try to open it it tells me I need X11 and when i tried to install X11 it says I have a newer version alrady installed. I cant find it and Open Office sure does'nt see it. Can anyone shead some light on where or how do I get it to run so Open Office will operate? Open said I might need the CD. Cd my Mac did not come with any CD. I will be lost if I ever crash sence I dont have the original istall disk...
Anyway sorry if this is to simple or basic question for the group but I did admit I was a complete newby to mac in the beginning.

thanx Docq
Ok I admit it, I am a complete OSX Tiger / Mac Newby. Now thats out the way. lol. I have a iMac intel duo running OSX Tiger and wanted to install Open Office. It installed fine but whenI try to open it it tells me I need X11 and when i tried to install X11 it says I have a newer version alrady installed. I cant find it and Open Office sure does'nt see it. Can anyone shead some light on where or how do I get it to run so Open Office will operate? Open said I might need the CD. Cd my Mac did not come with any CD. I will be lost if I ever crash sence I dont have the original istall disk...
Anyway sorry if this is to simple or basic question for the group but I did admit I was a complete newby to mac in the beginning.

thanx Docq

You can't download X11 it wont run on your intel duo. You get it from the install discs that you admit you don't have.

I have just recently had the same problems as you and ended up downloading NeoOffice which is a smaller version of Oo.o but just as good and it doesn't require X11 to run it....

My X11 needed repairing and it is a job for a coder so it may be easier just to go with click here.
OpenOffice and X11 under Mac OS X will drive you slowly insane. Instead check out NeoOffice. OpenOffice without the X11 dependency and is much much more integrated into the OS.

Pretty new to all this stuff and with four brand new MacBooks on the table waiting for an OpenDocument option!

After reading this thread it seems to me clear that NeoOffice is this option. At least I've already downloaded it, installed it, and created a couple of sample documents. All these steps have been accomplished without a glitch.

But, even it seems that I've found what I was looking for, it is not clear for me what happens with Mac OS X and X11.

Please, is X11 already installed in a brand new MacBook box? If not, as per a previous entry in this same thread I understand that some new software download and installation is needed, why it claims to be X11-ready?

Please, could you be more explicit about what is the needed Darwin stuff to run X11 applications in a MacBook? Sorry, I have still to learn a lot of things about this topic.

Thank you very much for your help,

OpenOffice and X11 under Mac OS X will drive you slowly insane. Instead check out NeoOffice. OpenOffice without the X11 dependency and is much much more integrated into the OS.

OpenOffice is working on that, trying to use native OSX. i looking around Google Summer of Code and found one programmer want to work on Oo_O Aqua UI native for OSX.

Pretty new to all this stuff and with four brand new MacBooks on the table waiting for an OpenDocument option!

After reading this thread it seems to me clear that NeoOffice is this option. At least I've already downloaded it, installed it, and created a couple of sample documents. All these steps have been accomplished without a glitch.

But, even it seems that I've found what I was looking for, it is not clear for me what happens with Mac OS X and X11.

Please, is X11 already installed in a brand new MacBook box? If not, as per a previous entry in this same thread I understand that some new software download and installation is needed, why it claims to be X11-ready?

Please, could you be more explicit about what is the needed Darwin stuff to run X11 applications in a MacBook? Sorry, I have still to learn a lot of things about this topic.

Thank you very much for your help,


X11 is not installed by default, but it can be installed after the fact by locating the x11.pkg (usually located in /System/Libary/Installation). There's probably also an Apple Tech note about it. Although I don't know if it's possible to download a Universal .pkg of X11 at this time, it IS bundled with the CDs that shipped with your MacBooks. If you choose to Reisntall the OS from the DVDs, you'll see X11 as an option when/if you click the "customize" button before proceeding with the install.
X11 installed, OpenOffice up and running! Thanks for your help. NeoOffice is installed as well. We'll see what is the best option. I've been trying to find any reason to stick with OpenOffice but it seems that NeoOffice is the best option provided we don't need X11 for any other reason so far. Do you agree? Thanks!

