Apple: You should reconsider the whole Tablet thing

i doubt that this tablet things hangs on. personally i think it is just a big palm. it needs to be redesigned before i would ever consider the idea.
Yes. At this stage they are far from practical. I am pretty sure Apple are constantly experimenting with tablet-Mac designs, but until they have one that people would actually want to own, they won't be making any.
Have either of you ever used one? I used one several months ago. I think they are very pratical to use. If you read the news article I linked to above, you read that 500,000 units have been sold of this type of notebook PC. How many powerbooks shipped since a year ago today?

I personally could make great use of a iTablet or Powertablet, as I do a lot of emersive reading, i.e., taking notes while I'm reading. This would prove to be a much more productive task if I could digitize all my notes instead having paper piled up at my desk. Just a thought.
The Newton was a great machine... but too expensive and too heavy. I think Apple learned from that experience.

We'll have an Apple Tablet when it will be really ready.
I think Apple should make a different kind of tablet, the kind that is compatible with Inkwell.