Apple's doing its ads right


Unofficial Mac Genius
From the Intermedia Advertising Group (IAG):


    Diet Pepsi's Cindy Crawford ad was off the charts in all categories - it was the clear winner in likeability and brand recall, and also did well in message recall. Building on a much older Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial, the newer ad shows how Pepsi has changed its can packaging, and how Cindy has since become a mom. The ad did extremely well across genders, demographics and income level. "The Diet Pepsi ad was leaps and bounds ahead of other top performers," reports Idell.
    Other top performers included Apple's iMac, Disney's corporate image "glass slipper" ad and the public service announcement for Anti-drugs/Anti-Terrorism ("if you buy drugs, you're contributing to terrorism"). In fact, the anti-drug ad was the top performer in terms of message recall, showing enormous impact and success for the campaign.
    Charles Schwab, OnStar and Verizon also made a good showing, although Verizon's main competitor Cingular did not fare so well."

Here's a link to the full article:

Basically this group analyzes brand recognition, likeability, and the ability to associate a product with a company, and it seems that Apple is positioning its ads right. Maybe we're wrong to say that they need to put more info in their ads...?
Could be, could be... although note that they didn't mention Apple all that frequently; the article focused much more on this "diet Pepsi" ad than anything else...

...why am I always the second poster in threads you start, simX? lol
Its a good ad, they just need more ads and ads for OS X!!!! Thats my biggest problem with it. Nobody knows about OS X.

oh and btw bluefusion, are you stalking simx?? :D
yeah the information is good in the ads, but there need to be more. People just don't get annoyed with Apple ads because they aren't obtrusive. Take for example windows XP or AOL. You know it's bad when people who like Windows turn off the TV when an XP commercial comes on and nobody likes the AOL ones.

...bluefusion isn't stalking him or else I'd see him outside his house when I'm parked out front in my van.
Originally posted by Koelling
...bluefusion isn't stalking him or else I'd see him outside his house when I'm parked out front in my van.

gplex: I think we all know that, based on the quote above. ;)