Apple's Homepage: *ALL* iPhone...


Staff member
I've just visited - and sure enough, in the days leading up to iPhone's release, *all* the slots are filled by the iPhone. There's the big introductory video in the middle, there's "Activation & Sync", "Rates & Plans", "Find a Store to get iPhone" and "Watch the ads". No iPods, no Macs, no Leopard, it's all about the iPhone for the time being. I guess they don't want everyone *ELSE* to be hyping it, they're pushing it hard now.
Let's just hope there's no showstopper bug. The onscreen keyboard - which has been criticised widely - could become the next "Newton Handwriting Recognition Joke"... -> - "Eat up Martha", hehe...
Well, if that bothers you, maybe you should have a look at

And I doubt the onscreen keyboard could be any worse than T9 or those tiny keyboards on the blackberry, or those Samsung mobiles with keys so tiny your fingers hurt after a few minutes of use. Lets face it, text input on mobiles sucks, period. You won't use the iPhone to write your novel, but then, thats not what mobile phones are for.
Hm. You're trying to defy my wish to write my next novel on one of my smartphones, eh'? ;) I've written quite a bunch of stories on Newtons with external keyboards, my eMate and - following the minaturisation - my Nokia Communicators (9110i, 9500) and am now actually writing on my treo 680. The thing is: Tactile feedback _is_ important. But I, too, hope that the iPhone's onscreen keyboard is at least as good as other subpar implementations. I basically just wanted to quote "Eat up Martha", you know... ;)
I think overhype is bad, but what do you expect Apple to do with a $500 new product that will make or break their entry into the cell phone industry! :) (It's a well-established and oversaturated industry as it is).

IMHO Apple is only doing 25% of the marketing; the rest is internet and media buzz independent of their efforts.
lol nice observation fryke. Even the "Hot news headlines" are iPhone-centric

These are the current stories being rotated on the front page (gray items are non-iPhone stories):

“Amazing,” the iPhone Matches Most of its Hype”
“An Excellent Implementation of State-of-the-art Features”
AT&T and Apple Announce Simple, Affordable iPhone Service Plans
iPhone a “Beautiful and Breakthrough Handheld Computer”
Use iTunes to Activate and Sync iPhone, Announce Apple and AT&T
Philip Johnson: A Glass House Opens
“The Most Chic Cellphone I’ve Seen”
“Apple’s professional video program offers powerful new tricks”
Aperture in Action Focuses on Sports Photography
The problem is with the iphone, is the screen is so sensitive so you can easily hit the wrong key, but with other smart phones, they are physical buttons so its not as hard to hit them accidentally.
The problem is with the iphone, is the screen is so sensitive so you can easily hit the wrong key, but with other smart phones, they are physical buttons so its not as hard to hit them accidentally.

I don't think it's much of a problem. The phone requires skin to be activated, and is generally very smart about predicting whatever you meant to press.
It takes a few times to get used to the iPhone keyboard, but once you do it is amazingly simple and easy to use.

The big difference causing people problems is that the actual character you type isn't put in the "document" (e-mail, sms, note, etc) until you let go of the key. This is of course the reverse of the normal way keyboards work. You can hit the D key and slide your finger over to G, then let go. It'll type G. That's why each letter pressed enlarges as your finger is over it.

All it takes is a little one-on-one time with the phone and some practice. I can type notes out faster (with fewer errors) on this now (1 week later) than I can on a Palm using graffiti or a Blackberry with a normal-style keyboard.
Could all the conspiracy theorists who claimed Apple is forgetting about the Mac, Firewire etc., please stand up? Since the new iMac's introduction, Apple's homepage shows the iPhone only in the lower right corner. The other fields? iMac (now with Firewire AND Firewire 800, btw.). iLife. iLife tour. iWork.

Now for the conspiracy theories...
Is Apple abandoning the iPod? ;)
lol, I would say yes, but I think apple said that they have something in store for it.