Apple's iTunes Vs. Roxio's Napster...

Boy, talk about your articles that have absolutely nothing to say. There was zero news content in that and the graphics were lame.
Well .. there's just no pleasing some, is there! :rolleyes: :D

I know it's old-new news, but some people in here might not have seen this stuff...
Nothing personal, I just don't see what the story had to offer as news. Let's see, Apple is No 1 in legal music downloads. Napster is still trying and others are waiting in the wings. And the quote from the "expert" on how it's still too early to determine a winner. Wow! Newsflash.
sorry but as a professional journo, I have to call it WOT (waste of time).
A professional journalist. Does that explain why you're in Dubai [if memory serves me correctly] at the minute?

Light day for mac news. What can I say?..
a 'light day for mac news' doesn't mean you have to post unimportant stuff. it means 'go hang out in the café' or something. ;-)