Apple's Mail App and Inboxes


Is there any way to seperate the Inboxes for different accounts from the main "In" box in Apple's Mail App?

I swear I remember 10.1's Mail App having each account's mail folders as a sub-category under each account - with each account with their own Inbox sub-folder.

I am setting up a few IMAP accounts that have multiple sub-mail boxes, but Apple's Mail App steals the main Inbox and places it up with all of the other account's Inboxes under the "In" category, while the IMAP Account's sub-folders are elsewhere... This is annoying (to me).

Any way to stop that, and somehow revert back to 10.1 Mail App's ways - or something similar?
(and no, switching mail apps is not an option!)

Thanks for any info...
Control-click in the mailbox bar, choose Create New Mailbox,, give it a name like "Sogni/foobar" and you'll see a "Sogni" folder appear with a subfolder called "foobar", both outside of the main mailbox folder.
That's not what I meant...

On this picture below, on the left is what my maiboxes currently look like, for the same account - all the mailboxes are scathered all over, with the inbox all the way ontop, the Junk box (not that I care about that, but using it as an example) is in the middle, and the subscribed folders / sub-folders are at the bottom under the account category...

Now, on the right - is a mock-up of what I want it to look like! All of one IMAP Account's boxes to be under that account, for all (3) IMAP accounts...


Is this possible with Apple's Mail App? I really don't want to use another app.