Apple's Other Hardware Hit

I'm sure I read somewhere that Apple codeveloped wireless networking in the first place with some other company...
I'm not sure if Apple was involved in the process, but they quite surely surprised the heck out of everyone. Steve Jobs presenting the original iBook sitting at a desk, then lifting the iBook - still being online... What a crowd-pleaser. :) Those were the days, man... When Steve Jobs was a magician at keynote speeches. ;-)
It's great being able to go downstairs with my iBook, a pair of headphones. Connect up to iTunes running on my G4 and access the web server as well.

Very nice ::love::
The article laments the price of the airport cards as being nearly double that of the pc ilk. Yes but my card isn't sticking out of the side of my laptop. That's well worth the price!!
speedfreak said:
The article laments the price of the airport cards as being nearly double that of the pc ilk. Yes but my card isn't sticking out of the side of my laptop. That's well worth the price!!
not to mention the software is built in ^^
JetwingX said:
not to mention the software is built in ^^

And how easy it is to install and set-up.

That's what I love about pc users when they start crowing about how they get things cheaper than we do .. then they spend the next two hours moaning about how it took them over two days to install the thing and get all the driver software to work properly...
Yes, but it's also true that in _this_ area (WiFi), Apple makes sure that you buy _their_ stuff at a premium, by including special slots nobody else makes cards for. Of course you still can use a cheaper WiFi card with a PowerBook 15 or 17" (PC-Card slot). But with the iBooks, iMacs etc. you're just limited to Apple's premium hardware. ;-)
I remember getting my two AirPort cards.

Without any prior knowledge of wireless technology, I installed both cards and within about half an hour [manuals & readmes? Pah!] I had a solid little ad hoc network up and running.

Never really had a problem .. it just works(tm)...
fryke said:
Yes, but it's also true that in _this_ area (WiFi), Apple makes sure that you buy _their_ stuff at a premium, by including special slots nobody else makes cards for. Of course you still can use a cheaper WiFi card with a PowerBook 15 or 17" (PC-Card slot). But with the iBooks, iMacs etc. you're just limited to Apple's premium hardware. ;-)

Thank God ( no, not Bill or Steve :p ) that I'm limited to Apple's premium hardware! In my job I get to fix MANY Wintel/Amd every single day of those el cheapo configurations :mad: Enough is enough! :mad: Long live Apple's premium hardware! :D ;)
Quality comes at a price.

If you want cheap, there's a guy waiting for you down the road.

Just look for the shop with a blue sign .. yes, the one with the wonky letter 'e' in it's name... :D
I use AirPort for my Internet access. I have a Wi-Fi router in the basement and I'm on the second floor. Sure beats running a 200 foot cable down the stairs... ;)
The thing I love is when PC folks try and tell me about the sudden joys of wireless surfing. Actually the thing I love is how I shut them up when I say I've been wireless for a few months short of 4 years now. :)