Apple's Quicktime Movies


Does anyone know how Apple can make their quicktime movies on their website so HIGH quality, yet so low in file size??? For example, if you take a look at the LARGE Pepsi commercial ( it is SUCH high quality and only a little over 7 MB in file size. How is this possible. I have used everyone video codec and tried to compress for online, but they all come out with either bad quality or HUGE file sizes. HOW DOES APPLE DO THIS??

I NEED TO KNOW THIS because I have a website which I am putting video content on, but need people to be able to access it much faster, and in higher quality. Please let me know!!!
They are other (better) ways to generate minimal movie films, but you need to help the encoding with limitation of the number of colors and identification of the moving/important zones.
3vix is my favorite, i don't use it for the video files on my site because a lot of people don't have the codec. Personal i like Sorenson 3 over MPEG4, although I use MPEG4 for my audio compression along with Sorenson. It's not that hard with quicktime pro, you need to edit the data rate and keyframes for best results. And it took me some time to find the best results for my video files.
The QuickTime movie properties software tag for that file says "Encoded with Cleaner", so there you've got it. Funny they aren't using their own software :p
ksv said:
The QuickTime movie properties software tag for that file says "Encoded with Cleaner", so there you've got it. Funny they aren't using their own software :p

Well, now we know what they use to encode their video, thats great. But, does anyone know teh EXACT settings for their LARGE videos? I would have to sit here and play around with CLEANER all day to find out what settings are the best, and they probably still wouldnt be near APPLE QUICKTIME QUALITY. Someone please find out the exact settings that apple uses for their large videos, or at least please tell me what is the best way for me to encode 640*480 videos at HIGH quality with the LOWEST file size possible.