Apple's X11 and Windowmaker


I have Apple's X11 installed but want to use the Windowmaker window manager instead of Quartzwm. I installed it from source via Fink, which all went fine. But When I launch X11 the XTerm window has no frame and is stuck in the top left corner of my screan (under the menu bar) - worked great when I used XFree86. I do not have an .xinitrc file in my home directory. Is there any way to resolve this problem or should I stick with the Quartxwm? Thanks in advance
You'll need to find the main xinitrc file and edit that. I'm not sure as to where it is installed with Apple's X11, but it's around somewhere. I installed X11 myself, and the main file is at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc - you can try looking there.

I'd copy that file to your home directory as .xinitrc and make changes to that one.
When my x11 messed up, I just did a finder -> find for x11, and then deleted the config files. That was pretty much it. It required a restart and a reconfigure, but at least it worked properly.
Write with pico a .xinitrc file in your home directory to start 'xterm' with the -geometry option, so it doesn't go under the menu bar and start 'windowmaker' window manager instead of quartz-wm:

% cd (to go to your home directory)

% pico .xinitrc

When pico opens the file, write:

xterm -geometry 72x34+100+40 &
exec wmaker

Then, press Control-o, return and Control-x.