AppleScript, iTunes, Mp3 Tags, idea and problem


I am working on am Apple Script to clean up the MP3 tags using iTunes. Unfortunately, the "path" from the "location" alias object sometimes gives the "#123456" notation. And its not consistent!This is almost as bad as WALKTH~1.MP3. Does anybody know how to extract a clean name from an alias object?

If anybody finds the ideas in the below script useful, please use.

tell application "iTunes"
	tell source "Library"
		tell playlist "Library"
			set the these_tracks to every track
		end tell
	end tell
	repeat with this_track in these_tracks
		set this_location to the location of this_track
		if this_location is not missing value then
			set this_path to this_location as string
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the ":"
			set this_filename to the last text item of this_path
			set final_title to my extract_title(this_filename)
			if final_title is not "" then
				display dialog final_title
				--	set the name of this_track to final_title
			end if
			set final_artist to my extract_artist(this_filename)
			if final_artist is not "" then
				--	set the artist of this_track to final_artist
			end if
			set final_genre to my extract_genre(this_filename)
			if final_genre is not "" then
				--	set the genre of this_track to final_genre
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

	HD:folder:Artist - Title (Genre).mp3
	all items except Title are optional

on extract_title(this_filename)
	if this_filename contains "-" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
		set this_title to the second text item of this_filename
		set this_title to this_filename
	end if
	if this_title contains "(" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "("
		set this_title to the first text item of this_title
	end if
	if this_title contains "." then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
		set this_title to the first text item of this_title
	end if
	--	if this_title contains "#" then
	--		set this_title to ""
	--	end if
	return this_title
end extract_title

on extract_artist(this_filename)
	if this_filename contains "-" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
		set this_artist to the first text item of this_filename
		set this_artist to ""
	end if
	return this_artist
end extract_artist

on extract_genre(this_filename)
	if this_filename contains "(" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "("
		set this_genre to the last text item of this_filename
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ")"
		set this_genre to the first text item of this_genre
		set this_genre to ""
	end if
	return this_genre
end extract_genre