tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set ProjectName to the value of cell "$F$4" as string
set FirstTargetDate to the value of cell "$D$12" as date
set FirstTargetName to "All Tooling Patterns in HK" as string
set SecondTargetDate to the value of cell "$E$12" as date
set SecondTargetName to "Rough Ceramics" as string
set ThirdTargetDate to the value of cell "$F$12" as date
set ThirdTargetName to "Tooling Quote Submitted" as string
set FourthTargetDate to the value of cell "$G$12" as date
set FourthTargetName to "Casting Ceramics" as string
set FifthTargetDate to the value of cell "$H$12" as date
set FifthTargetName to "Approval of Casting Ceramics" as string
set SixthTargetDate to the value of cell "$I$12" as date
set SixthTargetName to "Rough Ceramics to Tempe" as string
set SeventhTargetDate to the value of cell "$J$12" as date
set SeventhTargetName to "Tooling PO in HK" as string
set EighthTargetDate to the value of cell "$L$12" as date
set EighthTargetName to "Paintmaster in HK" as string
set NinthTargetDate to the value of cell "$M$12" as date
set NinthTargetName to "Production Quote Submitted" as string
set TenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$N$12" as date
set TenthTargetName to "Production Facility Confirmed" as string
set EleventhTargetDate to the value of cell "$O$12" as date
set EleventhTargetName to "1st Shot Samples" as string
set TwelthTargetDate to the value of cell "$P$12" as date
set TwelthTargetName to "Blister Layout in HK" as string
set ThirteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$Q$12" as date
set ThirteenthTargetName to "1st Deco Samples" as string
set FourteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$R$12" as date
set FourteenthTargetName to "Mock-up Packaging Samples" as string
set FifteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$S$12" as date
set FifteenthTargetName to "EP Samples" as string
set SixteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$T$12" as date
set SixteenthTargetName to "Packaging Artwork in HK" as string
set SeventeenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$U$12" as date
set SeventeenthTargetName to "Production PO in HK" as string
set EighteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$V$12" as date
set EighteenthTargetName to "Release Printing" as string
set NineteenthTargetDate to the value of cell "$W$12" as date
set NineteenthTargetName to "Release Injection" as string
set TwentythTargetDate to the value of cell "$X$12" as date
set TwentythTargetName to "Release Decoration" as string
set TwentyFirstTargetDate to the value of cell "$Y$12" as date
set TwentyFirstTargetName to "PP Samples" as string
set TwentySecondTargetDate to the value of cell "$Z$12" as date
set TwentySecondTargetName to "1st Shipment" as string
set TwentyThirdTargetDate to the value of cell "$K$12" as date
set TwentyThirdTargetName to "Tooling Start" as string
end tell
tell application "iCal"
set theCal to make new calendar at end of calendars with properties {title:ProjectName}
tell theCal
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:FirstTargetDate, summary:FirstTargetName, notes:"this is a test", allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:SecondTargetDate, summary:SecondTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:ThirdTargetDate, summary:ThirdTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:FourthTargetDate, summary:FourthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:FifthTargetDate, summary:FifthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:SixthTargetDate, summary:SixthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:SeventhTargetDate, summary:SeventhTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:EighthTargetDate, summary:EighthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:NinthTargetDate, summary:NinthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:TenthTargetDate, summary:TenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:EleventhTargetDate, summary:EleventhTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:TwelthTargetDate, summary:TwelthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:ThirteenthTargetDate, summary:ThirteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:FourteenthTargetDate, summary:FourteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:FifteenthTargetDate, summary:FifteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:SixteenthTargetDate, summary:SixteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:SeventeenthTargetDate, summary:SeventeenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:EighteenthTargetDate, summary:EighteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:NineteenthTargetDate, summary:NineteenthTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:TwentythTargetDate, summary:TwentythTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:TwentyFirstTargetDate, summary:TwentyFirstTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
set theEvent to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:TwentySecondTargetDate, summary:TwentySecondTargetName, allday event:true, status:confirmed}
end tell
end tell
tell application "iCal"
end tell