

I'm kind of new to applescript, but if someone could tell me why this won't run I'd be grateful. It's supposed to remove all printers and install new ones:

-- Definition
-- Printer 1 Info
set p1 to "D22 A4 Lexmark"
set p1IP to ""
set p1PPd to "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/D22 A4 Lexmark"
-- Printer 2 Info
set p2 to "D22 A3 Lexmark"
set p2IP to ""
set p2PPd to "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/D22 A3 Lexmark"
-- Printer 3 Info
set p3 to "Bureau Colour"
set p3IP to ""
set p3PPd to "/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Bureau Colour"
-- Create lists of Printers, IP's, and PPd's
set pList to {p1, p2, p3}
set pIPList to {p1IP, p2IP, p3IP}
set pPPdList to {p1PPd, p2PPd, p3PPd}
set pDefault to ""
-- Determine default printer via Computer Name
set compName to do shell script "hostname"
if compName contains "D22" then
set pDefault to item 1 of pList
end if
-- Action
if pDefault is not "" then
-- delete printers
repeat with i from 1 to (length of pList)
set pDel to item i of pList
do shell script "lpadmin -x " & pDel
end try
end repeat
--define printer queues
repeat with i from 1 to (length of pList)
set pAdd to item i of pList
set pIPAdd to item i of pIPList
set pPPdAdd to item i of pPPdList
do shell script "lpadmin -p " & pAdd & " -E -v lpd://" & pIPAdd & " -P '" & pPPdAdd & "'"
end try
end repeat
--select default printer queue
do shell script "lpoptions -d " & pDefault
end if