Appletalk And Keyserver


Staff member
[On Mar 20, 2:42pm Dave wrote:]
I am try to use a program that uses the Sassafras keyserver to check for valid users. I have an account with my school and have setup the keyserver as instructed and the keyserver itself says that it is connected and everything is okay.

However when I attempt to use the MacVector program it says that Appletalk is turned off after a few minutes and stops working. I've tried turning appletalk on and off through the System preferences and through the terminal using appletalk -d and then appletalk -u en0.

Does anyone know how I might check to see if Appletalk is really on and configured correctly?

[On Mar 20, 2:50pm Bob W. wrote:]
Hi Dave

See if this helps;

Panther's ability to browse a network for appletalk servers is turned off by default. To turn it back on, go to Applications -> Utilities -> Directory Access, and put a check in the box next to appletalk (you'll need to click the lock icon and enter your admin password first).

Bob Wood

[On Mar 20, 6:03pm Dave wrote:]
Hi Bob

Thanks for the reply. I look in Directory Access and the Appletalk box is checked. I unchecked it and checked it, but the program still insists that Appletalk is turned off.

[On Mar 21, 7:42am Bob W. wrote:]

After checking it, did you restart?

Bob Wood

[On Mar 21, 2:25pm Dave wrote:]
Hi Bob

I did restart. And I also reset the PRAM. The odd thing is there's another computer in the lab, a new G5, that can run the MacVector program with no problem. And I had just recently re-installed to a clean hard drive. And the problem with Appletalk was there before and after the re-installation.

[On Mar 21, 2:39pm Bob W. wrote:]

have you tried other Appletalk commands in Terminal?

appletalk -n - will show you if it's on.

Bob Wood

[On Mar 21, 6:16pm Dave wrote:]
Hi Bob

I've checked it with the Network Utility and it says it's on. The terminal command concurs that it's on.

I've tried manually changing the Network number and Node ID to what another computer (where the program works) uses to no avail.

[On Mar 21, 6:29pm Bob W. wrote:]
I haven't been able to find anything else, so I'll send it back to the open questions. Another tech may have some ideas to help.

[On Mar 22, 6:10am Bob W. wrote:]

Looking at the Macvector page, I saw this.

If you're using OS X, you'll need to use an ncbi.cnf file. A sample ncbi.cnf file is shown below. It's a plain text file that contains the following:


HTTP_PROXY_HOST=<proxy name>

The file must be edited to contain the proper proxy / firewall name and port number. On OS X, it must be saved to the Users\<username>\Library\Preferences folder. On OS 9, the file can be saved to either the OS 9 System Folder or the System Folder Preferences folder.

This is on this page;

[On Mar 22, 1:50pm Dave wrote:]
Thanks Bob,

The ncbi.cnf is used to access the National Center for Biotechnology information website to do DNA/protein sequence homology searches. The G4 does not have a ncbi.cnf file and can still access MacVector without a hitch. I can try this but I doubt it will fix the problem. It must be something on my computer that is not setup correctly.