Appletalk and remote access under osX


Hello :)
I would like to use the remore acces under osX juste like in OS9 :
I don't manage to apply the apple talk protocol on the ppp connexion ;

maybe something about the uncompatibility between AppletalkOverIp and "pur" appletalk :
I have and programme working with apple talk only on os9 :
parameters : Appletalk - remote only TCPIP - ppp server

after a connection to our gateway you can see Appletalk's Zones and connect directly on a Server working in Appletalk only .

But in OsX there is no way to "force" appletalk over a modem (ppp) connexion.

Actualy it works with Ethernet / airport connexion (local connexions) but not with a remote connexion.

if U have an idea .....
I'm also interested in this.
Is there any way for an OS-X client to connect to a AppleTalk RemoteAccess-server via modem ?