Appleworks Printing Problem


Every time I print from Appleworks, the print job is not sent to the printer.

I am using 6.2.4...and sending to EPSON and HP inkjet printers.

The print job is sent successfully to the laser printers without a problem. But, when I print to a USB inkjet, the progress bar starts, then doesn't finish and no print job is in the print center.

I've tried everything I can think of to no avail.


P.S. I can print from other OS X applications to USB printers with no problem....also works fine in Classic.

This might not help you of course (and you've probably tried it), but I found that I have to select page setup almost every time and pick the printer from the 'Format for' list. It doesn't want to stick.

Also check the 'Appleworks 6' menu in the print dialogue. The 'Right pages' radio button DID stick once, but seems OK now.