Appleworks spreadsheet help


I am new to AppleWorks 6 spreadsheet and have a question. When I was using MS Excel and typing in the same text in multiple cells it would "anticipate" what I was typing and auto fill the cell. In others words - If I am typing the word PAINTING in a cell and I have used that word several time before Excel would insert the whole word by the time I typed in PA. How can I make Appleworks do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
i'm not sure it can. although i do seem to remember that it did at one time, but that was under 10.2, so there may have been some changes. but it sure would be nice to have again.
'When I was using MS Excel and typing in the same text in multiple cells it would "anticipate" what I was typing and auto fill the cell.' - only in those cells directly below the initial entry.

'How can I make Appleworks do this (the above action)?' - you can not.