AppleWorks vs. Office X

I use Word more often than Appleworks. I like Appleworks. It is a nice set of apps. I agree I don't use Entourage either. Looking for Apple to upgrade Appleworks a bit. I been using it since it's earliest days and looking for a face lift.
In my opinion, Office is expensive and pay it only if you need those features. My guess is, including myself, that Appleworks is enough for most people. The rumour is that Apple is working on a new version, stayed tuned.
i have only appleworks.

if one day it won0t be enough i'd go for openoffice. no M$ on my computers please. :p
Originally posted by Giaguara
i have only appleworks.

if one day it won0t be enough i'd go for openoffice. no M$ on my computers please. :p

I have been making the port away from M$. No more Entourage, IE, etc.

I rarely use my copy of Office X. Off the top of heads which one takes up more space and resources? My bet is M$.
...I've installed both Office X:mac and AppleWorks! :eek:

However, I use mostly TextEdit :D

I hate Office for quitting without any logical reasons now and then! :mad: AppleWorks on the other hand is more stable but I hate its UI which is somewhat ugly for an Apple product :rolleyes:

TextEdit rules! ;)
Yah, Office has stability problems, and Appleworks loads fast and has never crashed on me. I was reading an article, that stated Grammar checks on word processors are virtually useless. Some people find that Appleworks should have a grammar check and that is why the buy Office. In Appleworks, having the computer say what you write is a great feature. Office X does not have, or supports it under the services menu. In my opinion a huge feature not tapped into.
...that I use from time to time: ThinkFree Office!

While it has many options and tries TOO hard to be similar to Office, it is slow almost in any Mac I've used/tried it :(
I need Office v.X to read documents I am provided with by PC users. Those documents often contain some text attributes (line height, margins, etc.) that AppleWorks does not handle well.

I use TextEdit most of the time. It's almost perfect :
- Nicer toolbar please !
- Numeric values for line height
- Stats (number of words/signs/pages)
- Footnotes
- Word import (I'm dreaming)
... if TextEdit gets all those one day, I'll never use anything else.
I agree, with all the Text Edit Users. I hardly ever use Apple Works and don't own Office. If I ran my own business maybe just maybe I would buy Office, but before I did that I would try to make AW work for me. Text Edit is great and in the dock. It's perfect for letter writing. (I just can't get my 96 year old grandmother to get a computer ;) ) It will open up a lot of documents although it really messes up .doc but that's ok for what I need. KISS is a good motto to have. While there are people out there who I am sure do benefit from all the goo gaws of Office, there are probably more who can benefit from Text Edit. Besides, I grew to hate AW in OS 9.01 it was always crashing and freezing. Argh!!!!
Appleworks didn't come with my machine =/ so i use Office when i need to do spreadsheet stuff. for documents, i'm crazy enough to use InDesign... it's got smarter kerning. if it's a school paper i'm writing, i'll admit it, i use Word ^_^.
Although I'm not exactly pro-Microsoft (gasp!), I've always preferred MS Office interface over Appleworks. I also occasionally use PowerPoint, which I prefer to Appleworks as a presentation tool. And I've been using Office for several years now.

Still, Appleworks has plenty of power for everyday uses.

PowerPoint has thousands of advantages over AppleWorks. Starting with PC compatibility :rolleyes: and ending with very much advanced animation tools (although most of them are completely useless).
Office X rules heh.. i'm not kidding!
Thats one M$ product that actually is worth it.

(hope takes off!!!!)