apps not working


I Think Different
I just had the strangest thing happen to me as I started up the computer. I went to click on explorer and it opend text edit instead. all the applications in my dock were like this excpet for palm desktop, graphic converter and of course text edit. I went through my applications folder and all I could get to open was acrobat reader and system preferences.

I can't figure out what could have caused this. I was in OS 9 before it happened burning cds. OS 9 crashed and I had already swiched the startup disk so when it restarted it was in OSX. Classic mode does work which is the only reason I can get to this site, through classic netscape.

Anyone heard of this problem before? It seems strange to me that some .apps open and others don't.

also I don't know enough about terminal to open it without the .app so it would be greatly appreciated. If I can't get stuff running by friday I need that to do my c++ programming in emacs.
well since the crash took place in 9 and you rebooted in osx, disk first aid would not have run and corrected any directory screwups. try booting back to 9 and see if disk first aid doesn't do its thing automatically just as if it was the last system running. if disk first aid doesn't do it try booting in single user mode and running the fsck -y command. Hold Apple-s keys at startup and running fsck -y to make sure that your internal drives are okay. fsck needs to be repeated until no errors are reported. After this, to continue you should give the command exit or logout.
if that doesn't do it you may need to use the latest version of a real disk diagnostic and repair program like Diskwarrior or Techtool Pro.

most recognition problems are found in messed up directories/volume structures. you probably just need to let your system know where everything is again.

hope this helps:)
I tried starting into classic first and all seemed fine. Then I did the command line thing and it ran through and said 'hard drive OK'.

I'll see what I can do about a disk diagnostic program and I'm also going to check if installing a new application that I download works. I am not sure if it will run stuffit tho so who knows.

Thanks for your help and if anyone else has a thought, don't be shy :)