APRIL FOOL'S: Microsoft discontinues Mac Office v.X


Read about it here:


Microsoft discontinues Mac Office stating that Mac users will have to purchase the newly M$ acquired Connectix Virtual PC and run the PC version of Office for compatibility with the business world. M$ cites that it is simply too costly to maintain separate builds of two products that are essentially the same thing.
BTW, I found that WWDC will announce that our Macs will be able to start up with Connectix Virtual OS (running Windows XP, 2000) wihtout loading OS X.

Happy Apple Joke... oh sorry, should be April Joke.
Originally spoken by Ron Okamoto
We're glad to see Virtual PC go into such good hands.
Good hands? Microsoft? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, i think that virtual pc will be in better hands (in some ways), since microsoft IS windows, so it will basically become windows for mac. Since microsoft is such a pro at windows (SINCE THEY MAKE IT!), it will be faster than before, though it will take up a lot more space. So it's kind of good that Microsoft bought it.
On the other hand, there won't be updates as often as before (proof: look at msn, updated every 6+ months!), and .... stuff.
and scene.
April Fools! Gosh, I knew that it was "slightly" believable given the current state of the economy, the news of the Borg assimilating Virtual PC. I couldn't resist. I should have said M$ laid off 200 Macintosh programmers in the MBU to help M$ return to profitability in this horrible economy, but I wasn't THAT cruel.