Aqua Safari


The Most Stupid Member
Search for Metallifizer from It allows you to add/remove the brushed interface in any Cocoa apps.
Actually, I have already done this. Simply control click on Safari and choose "Show Package Contents" then go to contents, resources, english.lproj and double click the Browser.nib file. (You must be the owner of the app, which is normally the case if you put it into the system under your login, or you'll need to mess with privileges. You also must have the Developer Tools installed)

Now simply show the info window, select the main window and deselect the option "Use Textured Interface". Save the file, and when next you startup Safari, tah-dah.

I much prefer the aqua look to the brushed metal look.
Doesn't work with Quicktime or iTunes obviously, because those apps are not yet using the theme, they have the brushed metal theme integrated.
I already did this as well, using the same method as symphonix.

I thought that the Brushed Metal UI was for apps that interacted with digital devices (goes to check AHIG...).

Textured Windows

Mac OS X version 10.2 provides developers with a new "textured" window appearance (see Figure 5-4). This window style has been designed specifically for use by- and is therefore best suited to- applications that provide an interface for a digital peripheral, such as a camera, or an interface for managing data shared with digital peripherals, such as the Address Book application.

This appearance may also be appropriate for applications that strive to re-create a familiar physical device- the Calculator application, for example. Avoid using the textured window appearance in applications or utilities that are unrelated to digital peripherals or to the data associated with these devices.

from AHIG (textured window link).

Safari's UI seems to go against the guidelines, no? Or is it OK since it's integrated with Address
iChat too... Why iChat is brushed... If Safari is brushed, Mail should be brushed too...
how do i get the designer or developer tools needed to change it to aqua?

unsanity's application enhancer program wont install for me, so i cant use metalizer
Mail doesn't looks as good as it should when Metallifized. Apple would have to fix the resize box in the corner as it messes up when in Metal mode.

Either way I like Metal Safari. It looks great. And I like UnMetal iTunes.
Haha, I did the same thing the moment I downloaded safari. It does look a lot better than the brushed metal apple seems to be throwing in my face.

And it won't demetallifize iTunes or Quicktime because those are carbon applications, not cocoa. This is also why they don't have those new window widgets from X.2.3.
I don't know why Apple loves the metal look so much, but I hate it. The first thing I did was change Safari with the dev tools as well.