Are DVD's meant to replace CD's?


Video Gamer/Collector
As in eventually.

The 3.5" Floppy replaced 5.25" Microfloppy's.
CD's replaced 3.5" Floppys. (Or will soon)
Are DVD's made to eventually replace CD's? I mean CD's are a 20 year old technology. They have to be succedded by SOMETHING. But is there any chance that in the future CD's will be phased out?
Yeah, and I'm betting Apple will be the first ones to do it. I'm not counting on it happening until DVD-RW drives and blank media get to CD-RW cost, though.
Originally posted by dricci
Yeah, and I'm betting Apple will be the first ones to do it. I'm not counting on it happening until DVD-RW drives and blank media get to CD-RW cost, though.

In terms of DVD standard for data distribution and drive inclusion, Sun is actually first. Much of their workstation and servers only ship with DVD drives and their Solaris distribution is available on DVD-ROMs.
