Arg!!! Annoying problem (and iTunes bug)!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Damnit! I thought Apple had solved a problem, but it seems to still be lurking (although I'm actually really starting to suspect it's a hardware problem). This problem has disappeared for a while, although it reared it's ugly head again tonight. What happens is that all USB devices (I haven't checked FireWire, but because my mouse is USB, I can't really check) stop responding. I can't determine why or how, or what application is causing it, but I'm suspecting either iTunes or the Classic application called HotFind (although I have NO clue why HotFind would have anything to do with it -- I just noted that it was the first time I had used it in a while, and it just coincided with the problem's reoccurance). The thing that usually fixes it is to put the computer to sleep (via the button my display or on my cube), and then to wake it up again. Sometimes this doesn't work though -- I can ALWAYS fix it by putting the computer to sleep, unplugging my speakers (next time it happens I'll try a different device), plugging them back in, and then waking up my computer. Then I can again use my mouse and keyboard and listen to music. This really, REALLY bugs me, though. The reason I suspect either 1) hardware problems or 2) iTunes, was that it happened in OS 9 as well, and I believe iTunes was always open when it happened. It hasn't happened in a LONG time, though, so I'm kind of skeptical that it's either of those. I'm just completely stumped and annoyed. Has anyone had anything similar, or has suggestions (besides just dealing with it in the way that I have).

One other thing that I want to confirm with you guys. When iTunes is open and playing a song (I dunno if it happens when it isn't), and the computer goes to sleep (either by user's request or by Energy Saver), and wake up the computer again, the audio is MUCH lower. When before the song that was playing is VERY close to unbearable at full volume with my earbuds (the ones with the iPod :) ), when my computer wakes up, it is very COMFORTABLE to listen at full volume, and annoying at half volume because I can hear so much outside my headphones. Can anyone confirm this bug?
Well I thought the USB bus on my Apple Studio Display was different from the bus on my G4 cube. I'm pretty sure that's the case. So, total, I have my keyboard (which has a mouse attached) and my speakers connected to the display, and my printer (which is powered by a power cord to the plug) and a Telex M-560 USB microphone connected to the cube directly. I used to have a SuperDisk Drive connected to the other port of my keyboard (this, like my printer, also has a separate power cable) and the keyboard is connected to the display. So, the display has to supply power to my keyboard, mouse and speakers, and my cube has to power only the microphone. I don't think that can be overpowering the bus!

Anybody have any confirmations of the iTunes bug, though?