Arg. iTunes shuffling isn't random anymore.


Unofficial Mac Genius
Has anyone else noticed that shuffling in iTunes isn't random anymore?

Lately, iTunes has been using the same exact order of applications when I start listening to this one song, when I'm in this one playlist. I've also noticed that iTunes tends to choose items in the same album for the next song when shuffling is activated when you're browsing the whole library (and no album is selected).

Has anyone else had these problems?

I'm going to delete my iTunes prefs and see if that helps.
I noticed it tends to pick the same artist, and it's not the artist I have the most songs from. Perhaps iTunes is using something from the current song to re-seed the random... When I program, i always try to randomise the ransomiser with a randomly generated seed.
Instead of shuffling my whole library on playback, I created a new playlist, and shuffled that. In the library, it's organising things a certain way and trying to jump around at random, but with the lists, it actually pre-re-arranges the list on the screen. This guarantees a completely random arrangement every time. It appears that playlists are there for a reason!