Arg! Quicktime streaming problem!!


Unofficial Mac Genius
I'm trying to watch the "Power of X" presentation that Apple has posted on the web, and everything works fine up until it starts playing the video. Quicktime launches, it buffers, and it starts playing, but about every 10 seconds, either the video stops changing or the audio craps out, so I have to pause and press play again to let QT rebuffer the video.

This is very aggravating though because I have to keep waiting 5 seconds every time the video craps out, which is about every 10 seconds.

Anybody know of any way to stop this from happening? I tried increasing the priority to -20, but still no go.
doesn't this mean your network connection isn't fast enough...

SimX, I have a feeling if it was that simple you wouldn't have posted though :-).. Poke arround in the QuickTime plane of the System Preferences.. make sure the correct network connection speed is selected.