Arggh! Please help.

Cow Loon

Okay, not only do I not know how to do anything with word files people keep sending me, becuase I don't have word for mac, and it won't let me save the attachment. If I get a text attachment, it opens with textedit. Fine, but if I try to save it, it says "Textedit doesn't save in simpletext format, saving in rtf format." It's a perl script! How can I defeat this user friendliness? Is there a way to save attachments instead of having them opened by an application?
Wull golly! Who'd a thought? It's so simple. Thanks!

I'm a newbie, and no the word documents and the perl scripts are two separate attachments I get, completely unrelated to each other.

Thanks again.
Maybe endian already addressed this ... it's late (well not reall only 9:30..but tired none the less) and I am seing things lol.. but in any case ... text edit can save as just plain old text files. Just go into the prefs and you want all files being .txt and not .rtf

good night...going to bed lol

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
text edit can save as just plain old text files. Just go into the prefs and you want all files being .txt and not .rtf

Okay, but the attachment is called something like TextEdit tells me that it will save it in rtf format, and then it says to supply a new name. But I don't see any way to supply a different name.

I can use endian's suggestion though and just drag the file.