You probably can't change it if it's just the one. They have a number of dead pixels which is considered acceptable on an LCD screen. All LCD manufacturers will have similar policies, I think
I've heard that people will literally "massage" or rub out dead pixels on screens, and it supposedly works sometimes.... never had to try it, myself.
Yeah man, rub it for a little with something like a Q-Tip. I had a stubborn dead pixel when I bought my iBook and it took about 4 minutes but I did manage to work it out. It may not be dead, just 'stuck.'

I do, however, have 2 dead pixels that won't come out. One red and one blue. Oh well .. that's life I suppose. Does anyone know at what point (read: how many dead pixels) would I would be able to call Apple about a fix?
For some reason, the number 8 sticks in my mind as the threshold on dead pixels for a given screen before they'll repair/replace. But I could be completely mad... :)
Think I read in David Pogue's and Joe Schor's book, "MacWorld Mac Secrets" that it's either 5 or 6... but that was a while ago.

Apparently you need a small herd of dead pixels before you can get it replaced.
Small herd is right. I once had a Sony notebook that had 4 dead, and it was almost as distracting as having to use Windows in the first place. One of them would go away for a couple of days if I massaged it, but it would always come back eventually. Ah... memories...
I think that Apple (and others) have 3 dead pixels as the acceptable amount, more then that it's considered a flaw. But if you have 3 or less dead pixels they won't change your screen.

Correct me if I'm wrong...;)
It's 3 dead pixels in one square inch, then apple will consider replacing it.

It's the same for all LCD manufacturers