ARRRRRRG! (Mac OS X 10.1.2)


Unofficial Mac Genius
Ever since I saw on that snapshot of the OS X 10.1.2 installer read me on that Mail will support SSL authentication in OS X 10.1.2, I have been ITCHING TO DITCH OUTLOOK EXPRESS!

Why, oh WHY does Apple have to prolong my misery? I am begging to the Apple gods... PLEASE RELEASE OS X 10.1.2! I BEG OF YOU!
Railhead Design , there have been numerous bugs discovered and they are still tweaking it. Be patient, it will probably arrive right before Xmas....

I'm really hoping that Apple get's 10.1.2 right, because 10.1.1 has had some bad issues with me. Ever since installing it on my dual800, I've crashed 4 times in one week, and my CD burning from the Finder is erratic. 10.1 was a rock. I've been contemplating going back to 10.1, but have been waiting to see if 10.1.2 fixes things...
I have had 10.1.1 problems too - mainly printing, but have far too much invested to take the time to go back and reinstall 10.1. I added a customer comment to Apple about my dissappointment at not being able to easily "uninstall 10.1.1" and it would be nice if they either made sure future updates are more stable or give us a way to back out of them!

Thought it will be hard, I will try to put off 10.1.2 until I hear good things out here.