article: Should Sony buy Apple?

If anything Apple should buy Sony. heheh....

Though, I kid. Cooperation between the two companies is good, but I don't think either needs a merger.
Maybe Jobs should be CEO of Sony, as well. That would certainly hasten the closing of the gap between TV and computer, among many other things.

While Apple can always use more marketshare, they are really doing quite well right now. I don't know if Apple would make it without Jobs running them through every quagmire in the entire sea. Imagine where they would be now if Jobs hadn't stepped down in 1985; I bet Microsoft would be just another company, like, say, Aspyr: influential but not dominant.
Why on earth should they I say. If Sony wants to do some projects with them cool, but that doesn't mean buy out. personally I like the panasonic company over Sony. : P
First off - Apple is in it's strongest position in years. OK so their market share has shrunk a little, but considering the gap that developed between the performance of the Mac and the PC (correct perceptions or not) it still seems quite healthy to me.

As a recent convert, I know this held me up for quite some time in my purchase. Not that the G4's aren't great machines, just that we all (come on - admit it!) knew that G5 had to happen soon. Thankfully it did.

So with incredible new hardware on it's way - and all those G5 motherboard improvements are bound to filter down to the 'lower' end of the product line soon - not to mention the diversification into consumer electronics with the iPod, why should they be looking for support from Sony? OK, so they make some innovative products, but I don't see where the common computing ground is. Apple make the most interesting PC's in the world, whereas Sony try and make the best of what's available in the Wintel market. I admire them for trying, but where would the benefit be for either comapny if there was a merger.

I suppose what I mean is that there is more buzz about Apple, Macs and OSX now than I have ever been aware of before. When the computing world is starting to sit up and take Cupertino seriously again, why do Apple need to find some kind of economic bodyguard? They don't.
I think that Apple has no reason to accept to be bought by another company at the moment. That could happen in 5 years if Apple sees another financial crisis and loses billions/quarter, when they'll have no cash, no other choice...
10 times again - No.

I may be in the minority here, but I think Sony makes crap. It looks OK on the outside, but just about every piece of Sony equipment I have ever owned (Car Stereos, TVs, Boomboxes, Walkmans, Clock Radios, laptops, etc) has been crap.

Sony is more like Yamaha than Apple. It tries to be all things to all people. Apple is more focused on computers and digital lifestyle devices. Apple knows what it does best and does. Sony takes a stab at any electronic device and sees what sticks.

Besides, Sony is wed to Microsoft. They'd have no use for Apple.
Serp, you probably have a lot of Sony lemons. The Sony stuff we have all works, which is a TV, DVD player, 5.1 surround sound tuner, CD player, and PS1. They all work fine. The only Sony thing we have that doesn't work anymore (that I can think of, at least) is our old VCR, which was made in 1988 or so. That's a pretty good track record in our household.

Aside from that, I agree. Sony and Apple are competitors in several arenas (heard of the Vaio?). Apple + Sun may be a better combination, if they could write a version of OS X for those workstations, but Apple + Sony = not going to happen.

Rumors: What makes you think that's going to happen? With ol' Stevey at the forefront, Apple is focused on what needs to happen for them to stay in business and stay at the forefront of the computing industry. The new G5 is only going to increase their acclaim, market share and profits, and besides, they have several billion dollars to fall back on.