ATM - Cash Machines


Hello All-

I'm making a proposal for a cool new ATM (cash machine) and I would like to hear what you like and dislike about ATMs. What would you like to get at an ATM that you can't now? What annoys the hell out of you about ATMs?

Twister :)
you know what drive me crazy with atms? they have actual button to the side(s) of the screen and then for the choices on the menu there are screen arrows pointing to which button to push. the arrows never line up with the button. never!

fix that problem. thats my only beef.

oh, and i wish i could get a hot donut at an atm.

1) My language preference should be on my card. Meaning, when I insert my card it should know whether I want English or Spanish based upon my card preference. I hate those questions.

2) As the previous poster said, arrows rarely line up.

3) Some ATM's offer Stamps, Tickets, and other things. This might be handy but I only did it once for the novelity, not sure how much use these really are. The stamps might be, I don't know.

4) This falls under #1, but I think you should be able to have some type of "Remember Me" preferences. Like for example, I also take out $40 from an ATM or whatever. It should be able to insert my card and have it come up and say... want your usually $40? I hit yes and it gives it to me and closes out the transaction and gives my card back.

5) Eliminate stupid charges on other ATM machines not owned by the Bank.
Preferences? Good idea. I've seen something like that at Wells Fargo but never played with it. I've also seen where it defaults to English and you can switch it if you want but you don't have to choose before you start.

As far as lining choices up with buttons, I'm not having buttons in my design. Only a touch screen.
I want to be able to access different accounts from the same card. My bank said I would be able to withdraw from my Pound account on a recent trip to the states, but couldn't find an ATM that let me do it. All ATMs gave me access to my dollar account only.

The bank here insisted it was possible, but I wound up short of change on the trip because it was a no-go.

On the road in Lebanon, no such problem, one card and I could withdraw dollars from my pound account and from the dollar account.

(incidentally bank is HSBC)
PDS, that sounds more like an issue to work out with your bank(s) than the ATM... but I could be wrong, of course. ;)

Make them not beep insistently at you while you put your money in the folder, write the amount, etc.!

What about the ability to use a credit card as an ATM card?

The ATM at my local WaMu (Washington Mutual) branch refers to itself as an entity, saying "Insert your money in my deposit slot" and such and the like. I'm not sure about that...

Also, "ATM machine" is redundant.
are you serious about...

>What about the ability to use a credit card as an ATM card?

you can with just about every credit card i know. i think they call it cash advance.
Precisely. I'd like to see the ability to use your Visa card (Discover? Please!) to access your bank account, deposit & withdraw money, etc. and to pay for items via ATM instead of via credit. But that's probably why there are two different types of cards... oh well, I would rather not use a credit card anyway.

I'm actually getting a card (unintentionally), but I'm rarely going to use it, just to keep up my credit rating which is currently null.
No, the problem is the software of the atm machines. It works in all the atms here and everyone i tried in Lebanon, both HSBC branches and other banks.

On my trip, I tried many different banks, looking for software that worked. Not too many banks in the states offer multiple currency accounts, so it's not a priority for them.

Since you're making something new... why not think global?
Because the people outside the developed nations are unimportant. ;)

Start local, become successful, expand... usually works.
Where you wind up usually depends on which direction you set out in.

Japanese, Brits, Latin Americans, all have multi-currency accounts.