Attack of the giant file!

Matrix Agent

Masochist Mascot
My little iBook's HD is only 10 GB to begin with, so im quite cramped. The file named "console.log" decided that it would make things in my HD entirly too cozy, by takening up all unused space. Before i knew it, this file has weighed in at 1.9GB. This file is invisible, and it rested in the /tmp directory, but i could not delete it from the terminal, even as root. So i fugured that since it was in tmp directory it might be fixed by a restart, which is of course, that last thing that i wanted to do, sigh.

Anyone know anything about this problem?

This reminds me of a thred a whioe back where a guy said that his hard disk was smaller than it should have been. The majpority of us summed it up to HD's being smaller in reality, than are advertised. Possibly this user was also attacked by this monster of file, but had a larger HD, making it harder to diagnose.

Anyone? Anyone?

You need to run the daily, weekly and monthly system job doohickeys

In the Terminal type the following pressing enter at the end of each line - and then wait for the system to chew through it's tasks.....

sudo sh /etc/daily
sudo sh /etc/weekly
sudo sh /etc/monthly

The system normally runs these in the wee small hours - but if it can't because the machine is switched off or asleep - the console.log just grows and grows :)

Alternatively get hold of a copy of MacJanitor (via VersionTracker) and you can run those daily, weekly, monthly jobs from a nice gui :)


Actually, I don't believe console.log is one of the files rotated regularly. If you need it trimmed NOW, use

cat /dev/null > /var/tmp/console.log

otherwise, logging out and back in should clear it, as it is connected to a GUI login.