audible textbook/college bookstore


For the past semester one of our cousins has been trying out some new textbook/audio books at his college. I am not sure if this is something that the publishing company is trying out or audible or the colleges. I believe only two of his classes where using these audible textbooks. I know he has been listening to them on his palm and I'm sure someway they could be ported to the ipod. However, the most intriguing feature is that when additional material such as a photo/graph/chart/audible footnote is available it will beep and a small star will appear on the screen. If she chooses to look at the added material she can tap on it and a floating palette appears over the text with the chart/photo etc. The coolest feature is that he can highlight phrases or text within and then choose to print to note feature where all her highlighted text, charts or audible text can be printed out in a summary format. I wish I had something like this when I was younger... would have saved me money on highlighters. Is this something that would could be added to ipods in the future.
hmm.. it souds quite nice.. but somehow i'd hrather hold one of those plain old textbooks in my hand than some multimedia thing that ready everyhting out to me and has charts and such... there's nothing more efficient to learn from than a textbook imo...
I agree with you sur. However, I feel that more so now, it would be great to have this kind of electronic format for text books. As I get older, and the book collection grows, it would be so much easier to store these on some form of removable device. I would definitely love to give it a whirl, if I were still in college.
Urgh, there's only one thing more boring than reading a textbook, and that's having it read to you.

I couldn't bear to do it this way, unless somehow it can teach me subliminally in my sleep.

I WOULD like to have a searchable reference in my iPod, more like an extensive index - a HUGELY summarised textbook. If that could be done, audio would be undesirable but okay.
That's the only way I got through school listen to my teachers read the textbook. I owned two textbooks in college one for art class and one for trig since the teacher couldn't make up his own questions.

I really think that within 5 years a lot of textbooks will be replaced by digital ink and metatext initiative. I thought that a few years ago that some legislation was passed that 20% of all learning materials had to be digitized.