Authoring DVDs


I have recently downloaded concert footage in the form of .vob files. Unfortunately, the DVD chapters fall in the middle of most of the songs. I am looking for software that will keep the data in .vob format (no loss of video/audio quality), but that will allow me to re-place the chapter breaks and allow me to do a little front-end work to display chapter selections in a menu.

There seem to be plenty of tools to do this for PCs. Given MAC's reputation for working with media and graphics I would think that there would be plenty of tools for them as well. I purchased iLife thinking that iMovie or iDVD could do this, but I've since found that .vob files are incompatible.

Any help? Direction?

I have a 12" G4 800mhz Powerbook w/40 gig HD. Sorry. Haven't downloaded the tool to pull my exact specs yet.

Thanks in advance.
I think Sizzle can do what you need, although I've never personally given it vobs as input (I used m2v files).