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I understand and have the theoretical knowledge to make perfect silence computers. It isn't difficult to understand that using USBmemery isn't a cheap sollution when you look how much storage you will get.
What I am doing is simular to the braillecomputers from Toshiba.
Can you clear that up for us Tree? You're developing a braille computer that is completely silent? How are the users supposed to find it? :p ;-)

What is it you're doing?
What do silent computers have to do with autism? Or is that a typo?

I think more of the noise from computers comes from the fan than the hard drive. My iMac has no fan, so the only noise comes from the hard drive and the speakers. But other computers, like those in large towers, have massive fans to cool their overheating interior components.

That's one of the big advances of the G5, of course: an almost silent computer. You have to listen closely to it just to hear the fans, though the hard drive makes itself known when doing disk-intensive stuff. Flash memory is a great way of storing stuff because it's basically RAM, but that's also the problem: less permanence. Flash memory is much more susceptible to being lost (not even erased, lost) than are hard drives, like from bumping, power failure, etc.

Whatever you're doing, good luck. If you succeed in building a silent computer architecture, by all means: sell it to Apple! ;)
I have simply ordened a computermagazine with usbmemory as promotion. I try to search out if completely silent computers with use flashdrives and no fans are economical reality. The 'Eden'configurations and fanless iMac and Cube are a good starting point. I know that most people doesn't need more then 1GB to do their tasks and that quiet computers are ergonomical better at the expence of upgradeability and have to do some sacrifices. The iBook that I have has a reasonable quiet harddrive, I am searching if it is possible to park it and reduce usage of it's fan. I am convinced that with actual prices buying external 1.4 floppydrives when you have another computer with includes this and usb is wasted money. Notebooksales have increased because people also wants a reduction in noise.
well there are compact flash cards out there that are getting 4gb and 6gb, but the memory is slow as compared to a HD i believe.

i suppose it would be possible but it would be very expensive, and possibly slower to have a system running off a chip type memory.
I only found the 3gb and 6gb there. The price of development will never been paid by getting the World Record when this product is included in the MWSF.
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