Auto-switching between airport networks?

bunner bob

I've got two Airport (ok, Netgear) base stations at home at opposite ends/different floors of the house. I'd love it if there were some little utility that'd automatically switch to whichever one has the stronger signal. Not that it's any big deal to pull down a menu, but it'd just be nice if it were automatic.

Anything like that out there?

- Bob
What you are needing is WDS, which all Apple AirPorts support, but are somewhat of a Rarity with other WiFi APs (Access Points).
They allow one AirPort to be a DNS Server, while the other works as a Passive AP on the same network. The same IP Address can be used on either Basestation.
What Models are the NetGear APs? If they both support WDS, you're in luck, if not, you'll have to manually connect to each AP.
You should be able to have both access points use the same network name and your wireless card will automatically switch to the access point with the stonger signal. No WDS necessary.

Let me know the specs of the access points and I will attempt to help you set this up.