Automated image actions?


Re: member

Is there a way to automate amendments to gif images? I have about 100 gifs that need 10 pixels adding to their height and that new part added made transparent (in other words, if I did this in Fireworks, I would add 10 pixels to the Canvas size, leave it transparent as set when the size is increased, add alpha transparency to the gif via the Optimise panel, and export).


I gonna try actions in Photoshop now, but have never dealt with making alpha transparency in a gif with Photoshop.
Duplicate one of the GIF files, and, in Photoshop, record the following:

Open the duplicate. Push Cmd-J. Delete the background layer. Now add 10 pixels to the height in whichever direction you want it. You should see the transparency background (dark checkers in my preferences). Then save and close. Duplicate another GIF and test your new action, and if it works as you want it to, use the File > Automation > Batch menu option to batch-process your GIF's (select the entire folder and the action you want to use).

Tell me how this goes!
Thanks arden! ;)

Works well... this leads onto another question... how do you set alpha transparency in a Photoshop gif... I just can't do it! Fireworks, it's so easy.


No worries... figured it out. Just select Transparency in the Save for Web options, and select None for Matte.
In Index Color mode, go to Image > Mode > Color Table and click on the color you want transparent. You might have to use the little eyedropper, as well.