Automatic disabling of screen saver within Quicktime?

Hippo Man

Hippo Man
Is there a way to cause the screen saver to be automatically disabled when viewing a video with Quicktime? I know that I can manually stop the screen saver before viewing the video and then manually restart it afterwards, but that's a pain in the neck.

I know that this is theoretically possible, because the VLC viewer for MacOSX knows how to automatically disable the screen saver during video viewing and to restore it afterwards.

I managed to hack up an AppleScript program which sort-of, kind-of works for this purpose, but it's tempermental and is very unreliable about restoring the screen saver after the video completes (a discussion of this AppleScript program appears elsewhere in this forum, I think). I'd prefer something more reliable than an AppleScript hack, if at all possible.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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