Automatic picture processing softwares for OS X?


Hi, I'll like to know the different softwares you have heard of / used on Mac OS X that do batch image processing (resizing, contrast adjustment, applying watermarks, renaming, ect...)
Freewares, sherwares, commercial software, everything ;)


Toy viewer -- freeware. a light app that can change the sizes, change the format of the pic etc. faster to open for a few little modifications than photoshop.

Image Indexer. -- freeware. makes a smaller set of pictures, or of a picture, you decide the differentiatoin in the name that the different sized pictures have, and decide if it makes an index file. it resizes a folder of images in a few seconds. i love this software. well actually i think it was postcardware so i had to send its programmer a card from a weird place of the world :)

both from versiontracker bw ..
I use iPhoto to re-size and save out my digital pictures and then File Sequencer to get them all re-named nicely.

Oh and if your smart and know how to tell photoshop to do things automatically, you can re-size, sharpen, adjust colors and save in one script. Then it does all the work.
I like Photoshop's approach, very straight forward: Open an image, create a new action then hit the record button. Do whatever you want, then hit the stop button. You've just recorded the chain of commands that can be applied to an entire directory of image files.
How can you create an action script that doesn't require you to input the correct file name when you get to the save part? Every action script I have ever tried with a save the computer thinks I want each image to use the name of the file I used to make the action script in the first place. Any thoughts?