AutoStart up and DVD


Super Bull
Hello people!
How can I configure OS X (10.0.4) to start up at certain hour??? whit Os 9.1 and olders is simple Control Panels/Energy Economizer.
Can I play DVD on OS X??

Many THX
I'm not sure when the last time it was that I tried this (As in, why shutdown at all? I can currently find out how long it has been since I moved my computer from one desk to another by typing "uptime" in the terminal), but when I did try it, all it took was booting into OS 9 once. When booted in 9, set the startup time in the Energy control panel, and then set your OS X drive as your startup disk in the Startup Disk control panel.

-Bruce Adcock
I tried yet this trick, but no results aparently. Some time the computer startup whit OS 9 and somtimes not start, then when I stratup Os X is being loaded.

Any Idea, like third party app or control panel for OS X?
G4/450 512Ram 2930SCSI Card, 2 internal HD attached to card (2Gb and 4Gb), OS X 10.0.4 and OS 9.1
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
you can play DVDs on MacOS X yet. Probably in the next update codenamed PUMA we will get it back :)

I supose you would say that "I can't play DVD yet"

thats right?