Do you know some software to make a easy backup of my Mac Os X Server 10.4.10 cyrus user email.
I will reinstall the system in a couple of days so I want to know how I cant copier my users email stock.
Txs Kees Buijs !
If I reinstall the system, and I paste the "/volumes/MailServer-MAIL/var/spool/imap/user" contenu in my new configuration, I need to add each user manually from the User Manager?
Or each user is added automatically.
Do you know how to copy the BD with my users?
Why you get an io error i do not know. You have to use server admin, mail, maintenance part to make cyrusdb aware of your changes.
I have move al mail stuff to a different drive and have reattached everything after a complete installation of the os.
Information on mails read etc. is lost during the procedure, because that information is not part of the mail, but most likely part of cyrusdb.
Good luck, Kees