Bad signal


I have a Airport Expreme card in my PB G4 1MHz, and a Dlink 624c router. I manage to config them so they are talking.

BUT the signal is very poor. Even if I put the Computer next to the router the signal is about max 60% :(

First, how can I find out if it is the Dlink or AE that is the problem? (I live in Cyprus and not many have wireless here so I can't find a friend to test against)

Or did anybody have the same experiance and a solution :)
Wow, a G4 with 1Mhz.. ;)
I have the same router and my signal is 100% when I am close to it (802.11b or DWL650 802.11gx2). There is an option for your router to spare more power for the antenna and get a higher range. Check out the web-interface. There is a new firmware for the dl-624 rev C as well..
However, there are also some tricks how you can increase the signal reception of the powerbooks. I know the trick for my tibook, but not for the alubooks since their antenna is on the screen. Search in the forum. I remember a thread on this problem.
Ok thanks, I have been looking around, I did not find anything to increse the signal in the router admin. Do you remember about where it was? I have the newest firmware.
Have you tried enabling interference robustness? That might help though I've personally never seen it do anything.
Zammy-Sam>> Thanks but I found it now, and it's set to 100% if thats the one you meen?

Viro>> "Have you tried enabling interference robustness?" Where is this setting though??

What is my other alternatives to boost the signal good?
your other alternative is to search in the forum for signal and alubook. Sometimes contacts are no more 100% and cause a loss in signal reception. Pressing certain places might stabilize the contact and increase the signal. I am very sure there was such a thread on the alubook as well.
I made a search and did not fins any "fix", Just that people have the same problem with alubook :(

Darn I spent my money on a AE card....
Btw, the option is called "Extended Range Mode" and you can find it in:
Home -> Wireless
Maybe this will help